Baseball Card Clubhouse

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Baseball Card Clubhouse Intro.


Attention All Scouts!!!
Hold your next meeting at  Elite SportsCards!
The Baseball Card Clubhouse is sponsored by the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) and is a totally FREE program to all Scouts who participate.
All you have to do is simply have your Scout leader sign-up your pack or troop for a special night of baseball card collecting and fun. 
Every Scout in attendance will receive a cool collectible kit full of Baseball Cards.  With the baseball cards the Scouts will receive they will learn how to bulid an initial baseball card collection that will help them earn Scout Advancement.  
Scouts will also get a chance to discuss baseball card collecting and play cool games for a chance to earn more awesome prizes.  Scouts can also bring their own card collection to showoff or learn more about it if they already have one. 



Baseball Card Clubhouse Shop


Elite Sportcards
2028 W. Montrose
Chicago, IL 60618
John Merkel
(773) 784 - 1396  



Scout Advancement

Hey, Cub Scouts, did you know you can earn an achievement award with your baseball cards collection? Boy Scouts, you can earn a merit badge with your special collection of cards. Read below for some tips and then get in touch with your local den leader or merit badge counselor. Have fun!


Cub Scouts:

1) Wolf Achievement 6: Start a Collection

a. Make a collection of baseball cards. Start with a few packs. Put the cards together in a neat way.

b. Show and explain your collection to another person.

2) Bear Elective 22 - Collecting Things

a. Start a baseball card collection. You can get information about baseball card collecting from your local hobby shop.

b. Display a collection of cards to show at a pack meeting. This can be any kind of collection. Every time you show a different kind of collection, it counts as one requirement.

c. Start your own collection. Keep your own cards in order by your favorite team, your favorite player, or complete a set.


Boy Scouts:

Collecting Merit Badge Requirements

Prepare a short written report or outline for your counselor, giving a detailed description of your collection,* including a short history. Be sure to include why you chose that particular type of collecting and what you enjoy and have learned from your collection.

  • Explain the growth and development of your collection.

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of preserving and displaying your collection.

    1. Explain the precautions that you need to take to preserve your collection, including

  • Handling
  • Cleaning
  • Storage
  • 2. Explain how best to display your collection, keeping in mind preserving as discussed above.

    3. Explain to your counselor the events available for a hobbyist of this collection, including shows, seminars, conventions, contests, and museum programs or exhibits.

  • Demonstrate your knowledge of collecting and investing. Discuss with your counselor:

    1. How investing and speculation would apply to your collection

    2. What you would look for in purchasing other collections similar to yours

    3. What you would expect in return value in the event you decided to sell all or part of the collection

  • Do the following:

    1. Discuss with your counselor at least 10 terms commonly used in your collection and be prepared to discuss the definition of each.

    2. Show your counselor any two groups from your collection. Explain how you organized your collection and why you chose that method. (Note: if your collection is too large to transport and your counselor is unable to view your collection directly, photographs should be available to share.)

    3. Explain how your collection is valued by other collectors and display to your counselor any price guides that may be available.

    4. Explain how your collection is graded for value, physical defects, size and age. Show the various grading classifications or ratings used in your collection.

    5. List the national, state, or local association for collectors in your field of interest

  • Show the location of and explain to your counselor the following:

    1. Identification number (if applicable)

    2. Series

    3. Brand name (if any)

    4. Any other special identification marks

  • Discuss with your counselor the plans you have to continue with the collection in the future.

  • Discuss with your counselor the career opportunities that may be available involving your collection.

  • Discuss with your counselor why and how collecting has changed and how this applies to your collection.






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